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Products / Mozaik

Panel 2x5 Mozaik

5 colors - Ref. Pa2x5moz14a5c

Designer Davide Oppizzi

Mozaik is a collection that's both architectural and modular. Its geometric design is inspired by mosaics, and its slender, hexagonal fabric shades fall like a meteor shower, multiplying the points of light. The 2x5 Mozaik panel sculpts space and creates a luminous surface. It adds a strong graphic touch with its textile cords forming diamonds. Both a luminaire and a divider panel, it can also be installed against a wall. Made up of 5 high modules, this contemporary panel with its remarkable design provides subdued light, backlighting the interior colour of the shades. Supplied with 14 GU4 3.5 W LED bulbs. Available in three standard sizes and five standard colours. Other sizes on request

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4 814.40 € TTC - In stock

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Panel 2x5 Mozaik

5 colors - Ref. Pa2x5moz14a5c

Designer Davide Oppizzi


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